Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How I Learned to Be Fierce

In Memory of: Dixie Carter

I was so sad to hear of one of my favorite actresses passing. My dear Dixie Carter from the 1980s show Designing Women lost her battle to cancer on Sunday. I used to watch Designing Women everyday after and before school for years during elementary, middle, and even high school so this was just terrible news!

I came to love the ladies on the show as dear friends. I learned so much from them: sarcasm, style, and how to be a strong female. Dixie's character Julia Sugarbaker especially possessed these traits. She was one of the first strong female leads on TV and I can tell you that I certainly learned from Julia. She always stood up for herself and her beliefs. She even did so in fab 80s suits and heels.

Boy was she FIERCE! That's where I learned it and I can thank Dixie for that.

Photos from Google Images and


  1. I agree! She's awesome. Love that show.

    (hi! surfed on over from ifb : )

  2. Merci pour ton commentaire. Tu as raison, my blog is the best method in the world to learn frenck. A bientôt!


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