Monday, November 29, 2010


I have to say that I am thankful for a great many things. Right now, I'm thankful that I just had a week off. Unfortunately, right after a great week off and some time to be thankful, the things I am not thankful for swung right back into full force (jet lag, homework, papers, cyber Monday sales that I cannot afford to participate it, but did...).

But I'll stay positive and show you my Thanksgiving dress that I am very thankful for!

I'm thankful that this dress looks good with navy tights and a black shirt. I'm thankful that it will also look good with cranberry tights and a navy shirt or brown tights and a cranberry shirt. I am thankful that it toes the line between looking pilgrim-ish, but doesn't. I am thankful for this dress.

Dress from, Report shoes, tights and turtleneck from Target.

I am also thankful to still have these fab t-straps. They are absolutely on their last leg as far as wearing them out (meaning I can only wear them when I know I'll be doing little to no walking or on short outings). I'll surely miss them, if I ever have to get rid of them.

And readers, commenters, url clickers, anonymous passers-by, I'm thankful for you. Whether you stop by to read, scan, or for any other (nice) reason. You are the best! I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks.


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