
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hot, Hot Summer

 Well, I really am crazy. Wearing three-quarter sleeves during the dog days of summer? Hilarious and totally crazy. It's safe to say that I regretted wearing this baseball tee all day long. Lesson learned!

 I paired it with my favorite summer skirt. It just seemed like a good match. And it was, but maybe more for an early fall day with temperatures swirling in the 70s or 80s rather than hovering around 98 degrees for most of the daytime hours.

Make no mistake, that smile on my face is the result of pure three-quarter sleeve related desperation. I wanted to take pictures quickly, so I could get back inside into the A/C. Unfortunately, down here in the southwest, summers aren't the ideal time to be outside. Not until about 10PM, that is.

And my dogs. They never leave me alone. And they love being in my pictures.

For this very choppy post: I'm wearing an American Apparel baseball tee, a Gap skirt, and wedges from Payless.

Hope you are staying cool. I'm doing it by steering clear of long sleeve tees until autumn comes along!


1 comment:

  1. even tho you were hot, love this look! :)


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